There is a reason why people speak of FabLabs, i.e. laboratories, because they don’t just experiment with (new) technologies, but above all with new uses and users. So the most important basic rule is common sense - exercise caution, ask too much rather than too little and do your part to ensure safety, knowledge and order.

Laboratory order

Legally, of course, this is not yet sufficient as a framework, so the rules on use and access, as well as the details on insurance and liability, are dealt with in the laboratory regulations within the framework of the applicable legal situation.

The current state of the order reflects a longer process that emerged cooperatively between the FabLab@FHDO, the occupational safety department, and input from several German FabLabs.

You can find out more here .

Safety briefings

At FabLab@FHDO, the safety and health of our visitors is very important to us. Therefore, it is generally necessary to receive instruction before actively working in the FabLab. Exceptions to this are guided tours, visits, lectures and the use of one's own laptop.

The use of the existing machines and equipment is divided into different areas, each of which requires individual safety instruction. In this way, we want to ensure that all visitors to the FabLab can work safely and without worry.

You can find out more here .

Behavior in case of accidents

Our team attaches great importance to ensuring that all visitors to FabLab@FHDO can work safely. Nevertheless, accidents at work or internal emergencies such as circulatory problems, nausea or even heart attacks can never be completely ruled out.

Therefore, we have taken measures to be able to act quickly and professionally in case of an emergency. We have first aiders in the team and have a first aid kit and emergency equipment.

However, we would also like to point out that every visitor to FabLab@FHDO is responsible for their own safety and we therefore recommend that you always take the appropriate safety precautions when working with machines or materials.

You can find out more here .
